Literature Relevant to Various Lineages

The selections below are intended as starting points for research on a lineage. Keep the following caveats in mind:

  • Literature included is primarily literature known to the Project Director that either analyzes the influence of agreements in the lineage (i.e., investigates "regime effectiveness") or provides useful background.
  • The literature referenced here is QUITE limited. I hope to include literature for more lineages over time and welcome suggestions. This is NOT intended as a comprehensive database of literature but simply as 5 to 10 places to start research.
  • Inclusion of articles in this database are not intended as endorsements of the views or arguments of the authors.
  • Know of literature that is not listed? Please suggest it.
Lineage Full Citation
Ozone Protection

Bauer, Steffen. 2009. "The Ozone Secretariat: the good shepherd of ozone politics." In Managers of global change, ed. F. Biermann and B. Siebenhüner. Cambridge: MIT Press.225-44.

Ozone Protection

Benedick, Richard E., and Brian Gareau. 2007. Science, diplomacy and the Montreal Protocol. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Ozone Protection

Brown Weiss, Edith, and Harold K. Jacobson, eds. 1998. Engaging countries: strengthening compliance with international environmental accords. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Ozone Protection

Canan, Penelope, and Nancy Reichman. 2002. Ozone connections: expert networks in global environment governance. Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing Limited.

Ozone Protection

Downie, David. 2012. "The Vienna Convention, Montreal Protocol and global policy to protect stratospheric ozone." In Chemicals, environment, health: a global management perspective, ed. W. Philip, K. Jan van der, M. Asish and R. Agarwal. London: CRC Press.243-60.

Ozone Protection

Downie, David. 2013. "Stratospheric ozone depletion." In The Routledge handbook of global environmental politics. New York: Routledge.

Ozone Protection

Haas, Peter M. 1992. "Banning chlorofluorocarbons." International Organization 46 (1):187-224.

Ozone Protection

Hoffmann, Matthew J. 2005. Ozone depletion and climate change: constructing a global response. Albany: SUNY Press.

Ozone Protection

Murdoch, James C., and Todd Sandler. 1997b. "The voluntary provision of a pure public good: the case of reduced CFC emissions and the Montreal Protocol." Journal of Public Economics 63:331-49.

Ozone Protection

Oberthür, Sebastian, Claire Dupont, and Yasuko Matsumoto. 2012. "Managing policy contradictions between the Montreal and Kyoto Protocols: the case of fluorinated greenhouse gases." In managing institutional complexity: regime interplay and global environmental change, ed. S. Oberthür and O. S. Stokke. Massachusetts: MIT.88-142.

Ozone Protection

Parson, Edward A. 2003. Protecting the ozone layer: science and strategy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ozone Protection

Sebenius, James K. 1992. "Challenging conventional explanations of international cooperation: negotiation analysis and the case of epistemic communities." International Organization 46 (1):323-65.

Ozone Protection

Secretariat, Ozone. 2012a. "Achievements in stratospheric ozone protection: progress report 1987 - 2012." Nairobi: United Nations Environment Program.

Ozone Protection

Secretariat, Ozone. 2012b. "Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer, 2012: a success in the making." Nairobi: United Nations Environment Program.

Ozone Protection

Sell, Susan. 1996. "North-South environmental bargaining: ozone, climate change, and biodiversity." Global Governance 2 (1):97-118.

Ozone Protection

Sprinz, Detlef F., and Tapani Vaahtoranta. 1994. "The interest-based explanation of international environmental policy." International Organization 48 (1):77-105.

Ozone Protection

Wagner, Ulrich J. 2009. "The voluntary provision of a pure public good? another look at CFC emissions and the Montreal Protocol." Oxford Economic Papers 61 (1):183-96.

Ozone Protection

Wettestad, Jørgen. 2002c. "The Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol on ozone-layer depletion." In Environmental regime effectiveness: confronting theory with evidence, ed. E. L. Miles, A. Underdal, S. Andresen, J. Wettestad, J. B. Skjærseth and E. M. Carlin. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.149-70.